How to complete a Download on a Verifone VX520 ?

This article will guide you how to download your merchant profile parameters to your terminal. This is usually required when are self-activating a new terminal or you added a new feature to your terminal (e.g. Apple Pay) and you want to enable it.

  1. Connect terminal to an internet cable, connect Pinpad and then plug in the power cable
  2. Once terminal has powered up and displays the main screen, Press * and then 3
  3. Select Terminal Symbol (looks like calculator)
  4. Select Download
  5. Enter 1 for group ID
  6. Select Single
  7. Select Partial
  8. Select SSL
  9. Screen will display four values:

    *ZA should read CA543 on Vx520 

    *ZN should read

    *ZT you will enter the Terminal ID: (TID PROVIDED FOR MERCHANT) 

  10. Screen will display values again and select Start

Group 2 Download Instructions

  1. Once terminal has finished the GID 1 download and is back to main screen, Press * and then 3
  2. Select Terminal Symbol(looks like calculator)
  3. Select Download
  4. Enter 2 for the group ID
  5. Select Partial
  6. Select SSL
  7. Screen will display four values:

    *ZA should read: SCRGN410J for Vx520

    *ZP should read:

    *ZT you will enter the Terminal ID: (TID PROVIDED FOR MERCHANT)

  8. Screen will display values again and you will select Start


  1. Once Terminal has downloaded and is back at the main screen
  2. From the Main Menu, press the menu key until you see Test, select ​Test​
  3. In the Test menu, press​ ​F2​​ to select ​Handshake.
  4. When a handshake is successful, it will say​ Approved​.  

Changing the Password

  1. From the Main Screen Press the Menu Button Down (Far left Purple Button) until you see
    “Other Setup on the screen”
  2. Enter the Current Password (If needed Paystone can provide)
  3. Press the Menu Key down (Far left purple button)
  4. Select Terminal
  5. Terminal should display SUPER PWD on the screen Select EDIT (F3)
  6. ENTER New Password and press OK (Green)
  7. Select Exit
  8. Save Changes? - Select OK
  9. Cancel Back to the Main Screen

Please call Paystone Support for any assistance at 1-888-900-9192
